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What is Intrapersonal aka Emotional Wellness?

Intrapersonal wellness can best be explained as how you feel about yourself within. The word 'intrapersonal' is defined as occurring within the individual mind or self; the process by which an individual communicates within themselves, acting as both sender and receiver of messages. This also includes the use of unspoken words to consciously engage in self-talk and inner speech. 


Too often, I hear people speak of themselves, their life, their goals, etc. from a negative standpoint and I've always wonder, how any good can find its way to a person who only speaks so much bad? How can a person be successful if the only language they speak is negative self-talk? The truth is, you can’t. There’s no way to be successful if you’re constantly speaking of your fear of success. There’s no way to call abundance into your life while penny pinching in fear. I’m not saying you should never share your fears with a trusted friend or therapist, but I am saying that you shouldn’t be beating yourself down and putting undo stress on yourself as a daily practice.


Instead of focusing on limiting beliefs, outside forces and what everyone else is suggesting you do, my form of coaching helps you to hear YOU. I want you to find your answers to success from within. It IS possible and together we can sharpen your ear so you know your inner voice in the midst of all the noise. Let’s book a phone call or zoom chat today to get started.


-      Coach Tiffany Williams, Founder 

Our Services.

At Green Curve LLC, we offer a range of transformative coaching and education services to support your emotional well-being and personal growth journey. Whether you're looking to boost your self-esteem, harness the power of herbal wisdom, or embrace a more positive and healthy approach to sexuality, we're here for you.


View our list of services below:

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